NETosis Imaging Services
Neutrophils are an important part of the body's defense against infection. They degrade and kill microorganisms in a number of ways, including the release of an antimicrobial protein called neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) and DNA networks as NETosis. NETs are associated with a variety of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and atherosclerosis. Traditional microscopy methods are time-consuming and only provide data at a specific point in time. Live cell imaging allows for real-time monitoring and quantitative analysis of the NETosis process, providing researchers with more comprehensive data and insight into the role of NETosis in disease progression.
Fig.1 Neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation processes (Huang J, et al. 2022).
NETosis Imaging Services
CD BioSciences provides real-time visualization and quantitative analysis of neuronal networks (NETs), which allows us to gain insights into the biological properties of NETs that traditional endpoint analysis cannot provide.
Validation of morphological changes
Validate and track in real time the unique morphological changes associated with NETosis, such as multiplefollicular nuclei, nuclear loss, depolymerization and membrane damage, to obtain dynamic information.
Quantify drug treatment efficacy
Using our live-cell imaging technology, it is possible to automatically and non-invasively quantify the effects of drug treatments, provide a dynamic readout of neutrophil physiology over time, and differentiate between apoptotic cells and NETosis.
Capture the timing of NET release
Capturing the timing of NET release by dynamic fluorescence imaging of stimulated cells (e.g., HL-60 cells) allows for the observation of neutrophil death, generation of real-time kinetic data, documentation of the time course of cellular events, and study of NETosis under a variety of conditions.
Perform concentration-dependent response and pharmacologic analysis
- Treat cells with different concentrations of inhibitors or drugs.
- Record real-time dynamic changes in the cells and analyze them quantitatively using our dynamic fluorescence live cell imaging technology.
- Calculate IC50 values to assess the concentration dependence of the stimulant or drug on NETosis for pharmacological analysis.
NETosis Imaging Workflow

Step 1
Coat wells (optional)
Coat wells of a 96-well plate with appropriate matrix.

Step 2
Plate cells
Seed cells in presence of appropriate regent (such as Cytotox Green regent).

Step 3
Add inhibitors (optional)
Add Netosis inhibitors.

Step 4
Induce NETosis
Stimulate NET formation using the chosen method (such as through the addition of PMA).

Step 5
Live-cell imaging
Place in the system and capture images every 5-10 minutes.
Our Advantages
- Observe and track unique morphological changes during NETosis in real time.
- Multiple analyses to easily distinguish between apoptosis and NETosis for a more complete understanding of the cell death process.
- Allow determination of how and when treatment effects occur.
CD BioSciences has a professional team and state-of-the-art imaging equipment to provide you with NETosis imaging analysis services. If you have any needs, please feel free to contact us. We can also customize NETosis imaging services for you according to specific needs.
- Huang J, et al. Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic target of NETosis in diseases. MedComm, 2022, 19;3(3):e162.
*If your organization requires the signing of a confidentiality agreement, please contact us by email.
Please note: Our services can only be used for research purposes. Do not use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures!