Substrate-Chromogens for Immunohistochemistry

Substrate-Chromogens for Immunohistochemistry

Immunohistochemistry is the study of localization, characterization, and relative quantification of peptides and proteins in tissue cells by applying the principle of antigen-antibody reaction, i.e., specific binding of antigen and antibody, through chemical reactions that allow the color development of chromogenic agents such as fluorescein, enzymes, metal ions, and isotopes that label antibodies to identify them.

IHC has a wide range of applications. First, it is widely used to diagnose abnormal cells, such as those found in cancerous tumors, using specific molecular markers that characterize specific cellular events, such as proliferation or cell death (apoptosis). Secondly, IHC is widely used to understand the distribution and localization of biomarkers and differentially expressed proteins in different parts of biological tissues.

CD BioSciences has developed several chromogenic substrates, each of which provides high signal sensitivity, providing our clients with a long-term storage stable, sensitive, safe, and user-friendly research tool.

Catalog NumberProduct NameCategory
SCI020101 Ready-To-Use AEC HRP (Red) For HRP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020102 Liquid DAB HRP Kit (Brown) For HRP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020103 DAB HRP Buffer (Brown) For HRP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020104 DAB HRP Chromogen (Brown) For HRP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020105 HRP Kit (Black) For HRP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020106 HRP Kit (Green) For HRP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020107 HRP Kit (Blue) For HRP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020108 HRP Plus Kit (Blue) For HRP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020109 HRP Kit (Mulberry) For HRP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020110 HRP Kit (Fuchsia) For HRP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020111 HRP Kit (Yellow) For HRP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020201 Ready-To-Use ALK Blue For AP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020202 ALK Magenta For AP Detection Systems Inquiry
SCI020203 ALK Scarlet For AP Detection Systems Inquiry